Please note: This post was published or last modified more than one year ago, so some of the information (including any images or screenshots) may be may be outdated.

Please note: This post was published or last modified more than one year ago, so some of the information (including any images or screenshots) may be may be outdated.
You’ve probably heard both job titles – or been introduced to people who use one title or the other – and wondered, “What’s the difference? It’s all the same.”
Not true. Web designers and developers have fairly different job descriptions and skill sets. Check out the infographic later in this post to see the two positions compared and contrasted.
In a perfect world, you’d employ one (or more) of each, with both parties contributing to create a perfectly functioning, beautifully designed and laid-out website. But oftentimes, having both a designer and developer on staff is not possible.
Instead of deciding to have one over the other, contact Why The Fuss? Technical Solutions. We pride ourselves in working in both roles effectively, making your site’s front-end sparkle while ensuring the back-end runs smoothly.
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